Pumble benutzen

Nachrichten freigeben

Tamara Radijevac

If you received an important message that you’d like to share with others, or simply quote reply to a message like you can do on other chat apps, use the Share Message feature in Pumble.

This feature is available to all members on all subscription plans.

To share a message:

  1. Hover over the message you’d like to share
  2. Choose Share message option from the toolbar that appears on the right
  3. Share this message modal appears
  4. Choose a Chat/Channel you’d like to share the message in
  5. Optionally, type an additional message that will be sent with the shared one
  6. Klicke auf Share to complete the process


  1. Right click on the message you want to share
  2. Wähle Nachricht freigeben
  3. Choose a Chat/Channel you’d like to share the message in
  4. Optionally, type an additional message that will be sent with the shared one
  5. Click Share to complete the process
  1. Press and hold the message you’d like to share
  2. You’ll get a list of actions you can perform with the message
  3. Choose Share message
  4. Share message modal appears
  5. Enter name of a Channel/Chat you’d like to share the message in
  6. Optionally, type an additional message that will be sent with the shared one
  7. Tippe auf Send to complete the process
  1. Press and hold the message you’d like to share
  2. You’ll get a list of actions you can perform with the message
  3. Choose Share message
  4. Share message modal appears
  5. Enter name of a Channel/Chat you’d like to share the message in
  6. Optionally, type an additional message that will be sent with the shared one
  7. Tippe auf Send to complete the process

Messages sent in DMs, group conversations and private channels can be shared to any other channel or DM.

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