Work together in Pumble

Record and share video message

Share video recordings

Record video message or screen during a meet and send it to your teammates.

Pumble Video meeting

Join video meetings

Start and join video conference with your team and brainstorm in real-time.

Record and send voice messages

Record voice messages

Record and send voice messages from your desktop, web or mobile app.

Pay less and invite all teammates

Price $4.00 $2.99
Unlimited number of users

Unlimited number of users

There is no limit on the number of users you can invite.

Voice messages on all platforms

Voice messages on all platforms

Send and record voice messages no matter which device you use.

Unlimited messages history

Unlimited messages history

Access all your messages that have ever been sent to get context for past decisions or get new team members up to speed faster.

Apps (mobile and desktop)

Apps (mobile and desktop)

Pumble app is available for you on iOS and Android mobile phones, as well as the desktop app.

Channels, direct messages, and threads

Channels, direct messages, and threads

Everyone can join and send messages in channels or via direct messages.



Set your notifications in a most suitable way for you. Pause them all, or just mute some channels, or mute all notifications with Do Not Disturb mode.

Video messages

Video messages

Tap, record, and send to give updates, share ideas, and be more expressive.

Video conferencing

Video conferencing

Start a video meeting with your whole team.

Communicate in channels

Simple communication with teammates

Organize conversations with your team in a most suitable way for all of you.

Create channels

Send direct messages

Record voice messages

Learn about channels

Smooth organization of a meeting

Invite anyone on a team meeting, share ideas and screens, or just say hello.

Share screen during a meeting

Record video messages

Start a voice meet

Start video conference
Use video conferencing in Pumble
Transparent communication with the team

Transparent communication with the team

Notify your team when you need a focus time, or remind yourself about important messages.

Manage notifications as you want

Notify the group at once

Set a reminder

Set notifications

Choose a pricing plan to fit your business needs

Upgrade for better productivity with Pumble paid plan


$ 0 USD


Get started
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Unlimited users

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Unlimited message history

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Voice and video messages

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1:1 meetings (voice and video)

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Import from Slack

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10GB storage per workspace

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Export content

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Up to 3 integrations

Frequently asked questions

Is Pumble really free?

Yes! You can have an unlimited number of users and access your entire chat history. If you need more, you can upgrade to the PRO plan.

Do you offer any discounts?

If you pay annually, you get 2 months for free. Our FREE plan doesn't have any limitations and is perfectly suited for startups and non-profit organizations.

What types of payment are supported?

We support payments by credit card for all plans. For larger purchases (e.g. annual multi-seat licenses), we also support wire transfers and purchase orders - in which case, it is best to contact us at

How does billing work when I add a new user?

Each active and invited user on a paid plan requires a paid seat. If you deactivate some user, you free up their paid seat so you can invite a new user. If you buy another seat mid-cycle, you'll be charged a prorated price for that billing cycle.

Are there any additional taxes?

It depends on your company's country of origin. All the prices are displayed without taxes, and if we are legally required to collect VAT from your country, then that tax will be added on top of the final price, which you will see at checkout before making a payment.

How does canceling work?

You can cancel the subscription at any time. Once you cancel, you can use the paid features until the end of your billing cycle, after which you’ll be automatically downgraded to the FREE plan. We don't offer refunds.

More questions? Visit Pumble’s Help Center

Team chat app on mobile and desktop
Chat from anywhere

Communicate with your team no matter what device you use.