Melhorar a eficiência na comunicação da equipe

This page is a library of resources that will help you understand what makes someone an effective communicator, what obstacles may lay between you and your teammate’s comprehension, and what steps you need to undertake to establish effective team communication in the future. 

The communication skills of effective communicators

This guide illustrates the 22 communication skills people need to possess and improve on in order to build effective team communication — from active listening, clarity, responsiveness, and open-mindedness, to confidence, assertiveness, friendliness, empathy, and beyond.  

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As barreiras para uma comunicação eficaz

This guide explains the physical, perceptual, emotional, cultural, language, gender, and interpersonal barriers to effective communication — and illustrates how they may represent an obstacle to effective communication.

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Steps for effective communication

This guide explains how you can become a better communicator, by laying down the exact steps you need to undertake to improve the effectiveness of your team’s communication — from following the 7 Cs of communication and establishing trust among teammates, to learning how to actively listen to others, avoiding assumptions, and beyond.

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Aplicativo gratuito de bate-papo para equipe

Melhore a colaboração e reduza os e-mails movendo a comunicação da sua equipe para o Pumble.


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