12 modèles d'évaluation des performances
L'évaluation des performances est un élément essentiel d'un lieu de travail sain et productif.
Unfortunately, the review period can cause significant stress and anxiety to both employees and those reviewing their performance.
Employees are afraid of poor results, while managers are faced with juggling multiple performance reviews and reporting the evaluation process results to higher management.
But, what if we told you there’s a way to make your next employee evaluation process less stressful for everyone involved while ensuring consistency?
Performance review templates can provide much-needed guidance and make sure your review process runs smoothly.In this blog post, we’ll provide you with 12 free performance review templates and answer some questions about why and how to conduct successful performance reviews.

Table des matières
Qu'est-ce qu'un modèle d'évaluation des performances ?
A performance review template is a document or form organizations use to evaluate an employee’s performance. It usually has predefined sections for questions and prompts that cover various aspects of an employee’s job performance.
For example, your basic employee review template may go over the employee’s:
- Les responsabilités professionnelles,
- Goals for the future,
- Les points forts,
- Les points à améliorer et
- L'évaluation globale des performances.
On top of that, performance review templates can also include spaces for:
- Comments, and
- Constructive feedback.
L'utilisation de modèles d'évaluation des performances permet de gagner du temps et de garantir l'équité et la cohérence des évaluations.
However, the key to successful employee evaluation is establishing a communication-first culture in the workplace. So, set yourself up for success by choosing an employee communication app that fully supports your communication needs.
In that regard, Pumble is the perfect option for your team, allowing you to share important documents and communicate throughout the review process over public and private channels, video calls, and more.

Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur les évaluations des performances, pourquoi ils sont importants et comment les mener, suivez le lien ci-dessous pour lire notre article de blog :
Modèles d'évaluation des performances
We’ve prepared 12 templates that you can download right away for free and then edit according to your specific needs.
Passons maintenant aux modèles d'évaluation des performances !
Modèle d'évaluation annuelle
Annual performance reviews are used in many industries and organizations, covering job performance over a year.
As such, they’re usually geared toward discussing overarching goals, achievements, and challenges rather than producing a detailed analysis of an employee’s performance.
The annual performance review template we’ve prepared covers the following categories:
- Job knowledge,
- Quality of work,
- Communication skills,
- Teamwork,
- Initiative, and
- Overall performance.
You can download the annual performance review template pictured below as an editable document or as a print-friendly PDF file.

🔽 Download the Annual performance review template
🔽 Download the printable Annual performance review template
Modèle d'évaluation trimestrielle
A quarterly performance review is held every 3 months at the end of each quarter.
Quarterly performance reviews allow for more frequent feedback than annual reviews but are less overbearing than monthly reviews. A 3-month review allows for enough time to review performance on a larger scale without waiting a whole year to assess an employee.
Our quarterly performance review template covers the following categories:
- La progression des objectifs,
- La qualité du travail,
- Communication skills,
- Team collaboration,
- Challenges faced,
- Strengths,
- Areas for improvement, and
- Overall performance.

🔽 Download the Quarterly performance review template
🔽 Download the printable Quarterly performance review template
Modèle d'évaluation mensuelle
Unlike annual or quarterly reviews, monthly reviews offer more frequent opportunities to discuss employees’:
- Professional goals,
- Recent achievements,
- Areas for improvement, and
- Challenges of the job.
Monthly reviews are a good in-between solution to weekly or quarterly evaluations.
During monthly reviews, you can do a descriptive performance assessment or rely on a numerical rating system.
You can use our performance review template to conduct both of these styles of assessment. You can use the “performance review” fields to add either numerical ratings or descriptions of the employee’s performance.
Even if you stick with numbers, the “comments and feedback” sections will allow you to add any further thoughts you might have about different categories of performance.
Speaking of which, our monthly performance review template covers the following categories:
- La progression des objectifs,
- Les tâches accomplies,
- La qualité du travail,
- Les compétences communication,
- La collaboration au sein de l'équipe,
- Les challenges rencontrés,
- Les points forts,
- Les points à améliorer et
- Les performances globales.

🔽 Download the Monthly performance review template
🔽 Download the printable Monthly performance review template
Modèle d'évaluation hebdomadaire
Weekly performance reviews provide more immediate feedback and allow for ongoing mentoring and adjustment of goals.
These reviews are typically more informal and held as brief check-ins or one-on-one meetings to discuss progress, achievements, and challenges.
Rather than being used to rate performance — the main goal of these check-ins is to keep everyone in the loop and track progress.

Our weekly performance review template contains prompts and suggestions for topics you can cover during those check-in meetings, including:
- Progress on goals,
- Upcoming tasks,
- Feedback on performance,
- Challenges and solutions,
- Recognition and appreciation, and
- Communication and collaboration.

🔽 Download the Weekly performance review template
🔽 Download the printable Weekly performance review template
Modèle simple d'évaluation
If you’re not interested in overly elaborating your employee evaluation, you can always conduct a simple performance review based on a numerical rating scale.
Our simple performance review template allows you to rate your employees on a scale of 1 to 5 across different categories, such as:
- Attendance,
- Punctuality,
- Productivity,
- Teamwork,
- Communication,
- Independence,
- Quality of work,
- Task prioritization,
- Initiative,
- Following policies, and
- Overall performance.

🔽 Télécharger le modèle d'évaluation simple
🔽 Download the printable Simple performance review template
Modèle d'évaluation à 90 jours
A 90-day performance review is usually held at the end of a 3-month onboarding period.
It focuses on the onboarding experience, organizational adjustments, and the application of skills and knowledge needed for the job.
Notre modèle d'évaluation à 90 jours comprend des sections qui couvrent les catégories suivantes :
- Job knowledge,
- Performance,
- Organizational adjustment,
- Team collaboration,
- Company culture, and
- Overall performance.

🔽 Download the 90-day performance review template
🔽 Download the printable 90-day performance review template
Pumble is the perfect tool for keeping in touch with your employees throughout the onboarding process. Learn more about how you can use the app to your advantage here:
Modèle d'évaluation 30-60-90
A 30-60-90 performance review is another evaluation process companies might use while onboarding new employees.
As the name suggests, this evaluation process relies on check-ins held after the first 30, 60, and 90 days of a new hire’s employment. These reviews serve as checkpoints to assess progress, performance, and integration into the organization.

The 30-60-90 performance assessment benefits both the employee and the organization by allowing them to get to know each other’s needs and expectations and provide relevant feedback early on in the onboarding process.
With our 30-60-90 performance review template, you can write down your assessments for all 3 periods in one place. The categories we’ve included in our employee review template are:
- Job knowledge,
- Quality of work,
- Communication skills,
- Integration,
- Teamwork,
- Adaptability, and
- Overall performance.

🔽 Download the 30-60-90 Performance review template
🔽 Download the printable 30-60-90 Performance review template
360 performance review template
A 360 performance review is a comprehensive evaluation process that gathers meaningful feedback about an employee from multiple sources.
For example, an employee’s performance may be evaluated not only by their direct supervisor but also by their peers, direct reports, higher management, and even external individuals such as clients and customers.

Conducting a 360 performance review can be challenging due to the varied nature of feedback collected from multiple sources. Even so, you can use a suitable performance review template from this list to collect feedback from the people who can evaluate your employees’:
- Job knowledge,
- Communication skills,
- Team collaboration,
- Problem solving,
- Leadership qualities,
- Adaptability,
- Quality of work, and
- Overall performance.
Once you have those review forms back, you can use our 360 performance review template to create a summary based on 3 different sources, as seen below.

🔽 Download the 360 Performance review template
🔽 Download the printable 360 performance review template
Throughout the review period, you may find yourself attending meetings with higher management without the presence of your direct supervisors. These meetings are called skip-level meetings, and you can learn more about them here:
Modèle d'évaluation de l’équipe
A team performance review assesses a team’s collective performance, achievements, and challenges.
As such, team performance reviews evaluate the overall performance and dynamics of a group of individuals working together, with a special focus on how they collaborate to achieve common goals.
Team performance reviews may be held periodically (e.g., quarterly or annually) or in response to specific events or projects. You can conduct them through:
- Des réunions structurées,
- Des enquêtes ou
- Des évaluations individuelles des membres de l'équipe, qui contribuent à une vue d'ensemble.
You can use our team performance review template to assess and comment on your teams’ performance across various categories, including:
- Goal alignment,
- Communication,
- Collaboration,
- Problem solving,
- Decision making,
- Accountability,
- Productivity,
- Task delegation,
- Innovation,
- Adaptability,
- Leadership,
- Team and employee morale, and
- Overall performance.

🔽 Download the Team performance review template
🔽 Download the printable Team performance review template
Pour en savoir plus sur la façon de mesurer la collaboration et la performance des équipes, suivez notre guide :
Modèle d'auto-évaluation de l'employé
Employee self-evaluation is usually conducted alongside a formal performance review by the employee’s manager or supervisor.
L'objectif d'une auto-évaluation est d'encourager les employés à :
- Réfléchir à leurs performances,
- Tirer des leçons des défis passés et
- Se préparer à apporter une contribution significative lors de l'entretien d'évaluation des performances qui aura lieu ultérieurement.
Our performance review template can help your employees consider their performance in the following categories:
- Job knowledge,
- Communication skills,
- Team collaboration,
- Problem solving,
- Adaptability,
- Leadership,
- Quality of work, and
- Overall performance.

🔽 Download the Employee self-evaluation template
🔽 Download the printable Employee self-evaluation template
At the end of a performance review period, employees who exceed expectations can use the opportunity to request higher salaries and better benefits. But, to do so effectively, they need to know how to advocate for themselves at work. Here’s a guide that can help you and your team members do just that:
Modèle d'évaluation de développement professionnel
A professional development review is designed to evaluate an individual’s skill development and growth and the potential in their professional development journey.
Unlike traditional performance reviews, which primarily focus on past performance, professional development reviews can help employees identify areas for growth, skill development, and career advancement.

Les évaluations de développement professionnel peuvent être menées périodiquement (par exemple, une fois par an ou deux fois par an) ou en conjonction avec les évaluations de performances annuelles.
Nous avons préparé un modèle d'évaluation de développement professionnel que vous pouvez utiliser pour évaluer le potentiel de croissance et de développement d'un employé à l'aide des critères suivants :
- Career goals,
- Strengths,
- Areas for improvement,
- Skill development,
- Training needs,
- Professional networking,
- Mentorship/coaching,
- Career progression,
- Work-life boundaries, and
- Development plan.

🔽 Download the Professional development review template
🔽 Download the printable Professional development review template
Une évaluation de développement professionnel est une excellente occasion de parler des promotions. Pour en savoir plus sur comment et quand demander une promotion à son patron, lisez notre article de blog :
Modèle d'évaluation de la rémunération
Une évaluation de la rémunération est un examen des rémunérations et des avantages accordés aux employés.
Il s'agit généralement d'analyser des informations telles que les tendances du marché, les performances des employés et le budget de l'organisation afin de déterminer la rémunération appropriée :
- Le salaire,
- Les primes,
- Les avantages sociaux,
- Les mesures d'incitation et
- Les autres formes de rémunération.
La transparence et une communication efficace avec les employés sur les raisons qui sous-tendent les décisions en matière de rémunération sont essentielles pour maintenir la satisfaction et la confiance des employés.
Our compensation review template can help you make an informed decision about your employee’s salary and benefits by compiling information about:
- Market trends,
- Employee performance,
- Cost of living adjustment,
- Organizational budget,
- Equity and fairness,
- Career development,
- Current compensation assessment,
- Current benefits assessment,
- Other factors (e.g., special skills, certifications), and
- Future plans and actions.

🔽 Download the Compensation review template
🔽 Download the printable Compensation review template
Une communication transparente est cruciale pour instaurer la confiance dans les équipes. Pour en savoir plus sur la façon d'instaurer la confiance dans les équipes virtuelles, lisez notre article de blog :
Avantages de l'utilisation d'un modèle d'évaluation des performances
Even though employee evaluations can be stressful for everyone involved, performance review templates can help make your next review period more bearable.
For one, templates ensure consistency, providing a structured framework and standardized format for all reviews. This consistency means that every employee is treated equally and evaluated against the same criteria.
Secondly, using an employee review template can help managers focus solely on accurately evaluating their employees’ performance.
Instead of having to create review questions from scratch, managers and HR employees can simply adjust a performance review template to make it more suitable for their organization, allowing them to focus on:
- Identifying areas for development,
- Providing meaningful feedback, and
- Setting goals.
A set template with concrete and relevant parameters will produce thorough and meaningful evaluations, ultimately benefiting both the employees and the organization.
Basically, performance review templates keep the evaluation process efficient and straightforward.
With predefined sections and prompts, managers can focus on relevant aspects of performance without getting bogged down in unnecessary details. This makes reviews comprehensive yet concise and allows for a clear understanding of expectations and areas of improvement.
Que faut-il écrire dans une évaluation des performances
To make performance reviews relevant and accurate, it’s important to provide a balanced assessment of the employee’s performance. According to Aleksandra Babic, an HR Generalist at CAKE.com, an accurate and helpful performance review needs to be comprehensive:

“Il est important d'évaluer les performances d'un employé sous différents angles. Ne vous concentrez pas uniquement sur les points à améliorer ; veillez à inclure également les accomplissements et les exemples de bonnes performances.”
With that in mind, here’s what you should include in your review to make it balanced:
- L’évaluation des performances — Évaluez les performances de l'employé par rapport à des critères spécifiques, tels que les connaissances professionnelles, la qualité du travail, les compétences en matière de communication, le travail d'équipe, etc.
- Achievements — Highlight the employee’s relevant accomplishments and contributions in the review period.
- Areas for improvement — Identify areas where the employee can improve and illustrate them with examples through feedforward.
- Goal setting — Set S.M.A.R.T. goals for improvement in the future.
- Le renforcement positif — Tout en fournissant un feedback constructif, incluez un renforcement positif par le biais d'une communication empathique.
- Scaling system — For some criteria, you may be able to use a numerical rating system, but for others, you may need to be more descriptive. Don’t fall into the trap of having to put a number on everything.
Finally, as with every instance of professional communication, it’s essential to keep our reviews professional and polite, as Babic noted:

“N'oubliez pas de rester objectif, juste et respectueux lorsque vous évaluez les performances d'un employé et que vous lui communiquez les résultats. Même les mauvaises nouvelles peuvent et doivent être communiquées de manière polie et professionnelle.”
FAQ sur les évaluations des performances
Après avoir étudié le pourquoi et le comment des évaluations des performances, vous avez peut-être d'autres questions.
Nous avons répondu ci-dessous à quelques-unes des questions les plus fréquemment posées sur les évaluations.
Quel est l'objectif des évaluations des performances ?
The purpose of performance reviews is to assess and, later, optimize employee performance.
C'est l'occasion de :
- Fournir un feedback,
- Fixer des objectifs d'amélioration et
- Harmoniser les attentes entre l'employé et le responsable ou l'organisation dans son ensemble.
À quelle fréquence devez-vous évaluer les performances d'un employé ?
Even though performance reviews should be conducted regularly, figuring out how often you need to do them will be left to your company’s discretion.
Generally, the optimal frequency of evaluations can depend on the nature of your work, your organizational needs, and the industry standards.
Still, the most common intervals for performance reviews are:
- Annuel,
- Semestriels,
- Trimestrielle ou
- Mensuels.
L'objectif est de fournir un feedback en temps utile et de soutenir le développement de l'employé, c'est pourquoi vous devez programmer vos évaluations en conséquence.
But, if you find that the evaluation schedule you’ve chosen doesn’t quite suit your company, you can always change it — as long as you communicate about those changes in a timely manner.

Comment puis-je me préparer à un entretien d'évaluation en tant qu'employé ?
As an employee, you can influence how your performance review pans out by taking ownership of your performance and professional development.
As it happens, being prepared for a performance review will also make your manager’s job easier.
So, if you want to cover all your bases, you can:
- Réfléchir à vos performances et à vos réalisations,
- Réfléchir aux défis que vous avez relevés,
- Identify areas of improvement as well as your strengths,
- Préparer des exemples et des preuves de vos affirmations et
- Anticipate questions you may be asked to prepare relevant answers.
Cependant, ne laissez pas les entretiens d'évaluation vous stresser.
Approach them with a positive attitude and aim to learn more about yourself and grow. Ultimately, employee evaluations allow you to learn how to accept constructive feedback and demonstrate your commitment to professional development.
At the end of the day, performance reviews evaluate your performance to help you become a better version of yourself — so, make the most of them.
Comment, en tant que manager, dois-je m'y prendre pour annoncer de mauvais résultats lors d'un entretien d'évaluation ?
As a manager, you should accept that not every team member will receive a positive employee evaluation.
That means that you’ll probably have to discuss team members’ less-than-ideal performance review results sooner or later.
Though no one looks forward to having those difficult conversations, you can make them less awkward for everyone involved. Before you go into that meeting, you should:
- Prepare thoroughly and gather specific examples and evidence to support your assessment.
- Start with positive feedback by acknowledging the employees’ strengths and contributions.
- Focus on behavior and avoid commenting on an employees’ personality or characteristics. Keep the feedback focused on their actions and performance.
- Be direct when communicating about how the employees’ performance is falling short. Use specific examples to illustrate your point.
- Encourage your employees by providing resources and support to help them address areas for improvement.
Above all, you should approach the conversation with sensitivity and professionalism and try to actively listen when the employee shares their point of view.
Babic provides another useful tip for handling a bad performance review result. Namely, she emphasizes the importance of choosing the right time and place to deliver bad news:

“Les managers doivent faire attention à la façon dont ils annoncent les mauvaises nouvelles et au moment où ils le font. Les résultats médiocres de l'évaluation des performances ne doivent être abordés que lors d'un entretien individuel avec l'employé. Vous pouvez célébrer les réussites et féliciter vos employés dans un cadre collectif, mais laissez les commentaires négatifs pour une conversation privée.”
Even when delivering bad performance review results, your focus should be on finding ways to help your team members achieve their potential.
Qu'est-ce qu'un plan d'amélioration des performances ?
A performance improvement plan (PIP) is a document outlining specific areas where employees’ performance fell below expectations.
This document also details the steps employees need to take to improve their work outcomes.
Un plan d'amélioration des performances comprend généralement :
- Des exemples clairs de mauvaises performances,
- Des buts et des objectifs mesurables pour l'amélioration,
- Des délais pour atteindre ces objectifs,
- Des ressources nécessaires à l'amélioration des performances et
- Des conséquences si les performances ne sont pas améliorées dans les délais impartis.
Les plans d'amélioration des performances sont généralement mis en œuvre après une mauvaise évaluation des performances. Cependant, ils sont généralement basés sur la gravité et la persistance des problèmes de performance et dépendent aussi fortement du secteur et des politiques et procédures internes de l'organisation.
Before employees are placed on a performance improvement plan, they usually receive written communication stating that their performance has been found lacking. To learn more about these official write-ups, check out this article:
Organisez les évaluations des performances avec Pumble
Mener des entretiens d'évaluation peut s'avérer épuisant sur le plan émotionnel et physique.
You need to juggle finding relevant information, thinking about your employee’s feelings, and ultimately deciding on the best course of action for their professional development. Add to that the other tasks of your job, and you can burn out.
But, don’t let your tech be another point of stress during your next review period.
With Pumble, you can hold performance review meetings without a hassle.
Pumble is a team collaboration software that lets you communicate with team members via:
- Direct messages,
- Channels, groups, and threads,
- Video and voice calls, and
- Video and voice messages.
Use direct messages to set up individual meetings with your employees and hop on a one-on-one video call to discuss the results of their performance reviews.

After the call, you can make the most of the app’s storage capacity (and foster transparent communication) by sharing relevant documents with your team.
With an intuitive interface and many customization options, Pumble can help you hold effective and productive performance reviews. Try it today!