Pumble Free Trial
Pumble Free trial provides unrestricted access to premium features available on our Enterprise plan. During the 14-day trial period you can explore and utilize the app’s best tools, optimizing your workflow and facilitating seamless team communication.
14-day free trial is automatically triggered once a workspace is created, and cannot be canceled. In the top left corner, next to your Workspace name you will find the countdown displaying the number of days remaining in your trial period.
Free trial features #
During the Free Trial period, your Workspace users are granted unrestricted access to all the features and functionalities typically exclusive to Enterprise plan subscribers. This includes the use of advanced collaboration tools, administrative controls, and unlimited number of integrations.
Trial expiration #
Once Free trial expires, the workspace will be downgraded to Free plan, unless an Admin upgrades the subscription to one of the paid plans. Check out this article for more information on how to Upgrade your workspace to a paid plan.
If the downgrade happens, you will no longer have access to the advanced features available on higher subscription plans. It’s important to note that Guest users won’t have access to log in to the workspace unless you upgrade to the Business plan, where this feature is available.
Upgrade during the trial period #
You don’t need to wait until the trial period ends to upgrade your workspace to a paid plan. By upgrading, you can enjoy uninterrupted service and take full advantage of the enhanced capabilities offered by our paid plans. To do it:
- Click on the countdown in the top left corner, next to your workspace name
- Follow the instructructions on the upgrade process from this article
Only Organization owner and Workspace admins can upgrade a workspace to a paid plan.