Education with Pumble

A virtual learning environment where your students are engaged and connected. Classes, meetings and assignments, all in one place. Keep your campus running with Pumble.

Try Pumble
Pumble for Education
Distance learning has never been closer

Distance learning has never been closer

Create class-based channels to keep students informed and allow them to ask questions from wherever they are located.

Notify colleagues and students whether you’re available by setting a status.

Organize guest lectures with the guest access feature.

Keep one-on-one consultations with voice and video calls.

Hold your lectures and share screen with your presentation.

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Announcements and updates

Assign group projects by creating user groups.

Instantly reach the right people by using the @mention option.

Provide feedback on assignments in a thread.

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Announcements and updates
Learning in one place

Learning in one place

Pumble allows teachers and students to consolidate information into a central repository. No more emailing and texting students, just direct them to Pumble.

Pre-record lectures and share them with students.

Attach, review, forward, or download files.

Browse all files in a shared workspace.

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Maintain the campus community

Easily organize extracurricular activities with private or public channels for student-run clubs, school trips, sports, museum visits, and more. Pumble creates a place where students can meet and hang out wherever they are.

Create subject-based or activity-based groups.

Increase students’ employability with extracurricular activities.

Stay connected through one-on-one meetups.

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Maintain the campus community

How to: Pumble 101

Checkmark primary Step 1: Create an account

To start communication with your team, the first thing you need to do is create an account.

Sign up now

Checkmark primary Step 2: Create #channels

For easier navigation through your Pumble workspace, create topic-focused channels. For example, #math-class, #biology-class, or #sports-club.

Checkmark primary Step 3: Set up your profile

Insert your name and picture, title, and email address so others know how to contact you when you’re not available.

Checkmark primary Step 4: Invite everyone

​​In Pumble, you can invite an unlimited number of people for FREE. Also, give admin roles so other people can help you manage other team members.

Checkmark primary Step 5: Start messaging

In Pumble workspace, each team member can join all public channels created. Also, they can send private messages to each other, or create group chats.

Checkmark primary Step 6: Share files

Add files to your workspace. Files are searchable and shareable across Pumble, making it easier for everyone to find the information they need and work together.

Related features

Video conferencing

Start video call with teammates and connect with anyone in your workspace.

Video conferencing
Voice calls

Voice calls

Make a voice call to connect with anyone from your team.

Voice messages

Record and send voice messages to share updates with your team.

Voice messages
Pumble Channels


Organize conversations into dedicated spaces for different teams.

Learn how real companies get real results with Pumble

Meet the teams accomplishing great work with Pumble and read their stories.

More features


Threads is where focused discussions and decisions take place.

Save messages

Saved items are only visible to you and can be viewed in one place.

Message formatting

Highlight important messages and code snippets in your messages.

Direct messages

Send DM to your teammates when you want to inform them about something.

Emoji reactions

React individually to each message with an emoji.

Set a status

Set your availability so teammates know when to contact you.

Start chatting with
your team

• Unlimited users  
• Unlimited chat history  
• Free forever

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