
Change Pumble Theme

Configure the way your setup looks like in Pumble and switch between themes according to your preferences.

To change the theme:

  1. Click on your profile picture at the top right corner / WS name in the top left corner
  2. Choose Preferences
  3. In the Themes section select one of the options to complete the action:
  • Sync with your OS
  • Light (default setting)
  • Dark

Sync with your OS entails an automatic toggle between light and dark themes that corresponds to your system’s changes.

4. To further customize your Pumble interface, choose the color theme

Changes will be applied immediately.

To change your Pumble theme on iOS, you’ll need to adjust the system settings on your device. Once updated, your Pumble theme will reflect the changes automatically.

  1. Tap on your profile icon in the top right corner
  2. Select Preferences
  3. Tap on Appearance
  4. Choose one of the options to complete the action:
  • System default
  • Light theme
  • Dark theme

Syncing with your OS on Android involves an automatic toggle between light and dark themes that corresponds to your device’s system settings.

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