Milica Vucicevic - Communication author and researcher
How to Write a Business Memo
Learn more about business memos and how to write an effective memo, with steps and examples.
How Not to Be Nervous for a Presentation
Find out more about why we get nervous and what you can do to deal with and take control of your fear of public speaking.
25 Best Professional Voicemail Greetings You Can Record for Improved CX
Get our 25 examples of professional voicemail greetings and learn how to record the perfect one your clients will resonate with.
Discord vs WhatsApp: Let’s compare!
Learn about the differences between Discord and WhatsApp and decide which one will be better for you.
Direct Communication in the Workplace
Learn more about direct and indirect communication, the 4 personality types, and get useful tips on how to improve your communication.
How to Say Congratulations Professionally: 85+ Examples
Get 85+ examples of how to say congratulations professionally to celebrate your coworkers’ achievements, from promotions to landing a new job.
How to Professionally Say ‘This Is Not My Job’
Learn how to say this is not my job in a polite and professional way, with examples.
Microsoft Teams vs Webex: Which one fits your needs better?
Learn about the differences between Microsoft Teams and Webex, so you can decide which one fits your team better!
Webex vs Zoom: Choose Your Fighter!
Discover features of Webex and Zoom and choose which one fits your needs!