Vladimir Samolovac - Communication author and researcher at Pumble

Vladimir decided he wanted to be a writer back in Elementary School and this singular desire informed most of his big decisions in life. Ever since then, he has been dabbling in creative writing — taking courses, listening to writing podcasts, reading relevant literature, and writing short stories, novels, and poems.

To hone his craft, he obtained his BA and MA in English language and literature with a master’s thesis describing the influence of the Anglo-Saxon Heroic Code on Tolkien’s “The Hobbit”.

As soon as he learned that content writing was a real job, Vladimir knew he had found his calling. With 5+ years of experience in the content writing industry, he has covered topics such as computer hardware, video gaming, audio equipment, project management, and team communication and collaboration for the Pumble blog.

Vladimir has always been fascinated by communication (and miscommunication), whether written or spoken, verbal or non-verbal, workplace or casual, real or in a fictional setting. How meaning transfers and word-choices affect understanding was something he had to get to the bottom of.

Writing for Pumble, Vladimir is able to (and excited to) share the wealth of discoveries and insights he’s accumulated from reading relevant literature and listening to communication podcasts with his readers.
When he needs a break from typing, Vladimir usually spends his time drawing, playing the guitar, practicing martial arts, dabbling in Asian cuisine, watching anime, or playing video games.

As it only serves to take precious time away from his many hobbies, you generally won’t find Vladimir on social media. He does, however, at least have a LinkedIn profile where he shares his current work.

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