Using Pumble

Keyboard Shortcuts

3 min read
Aleksandar Olic

Navigate Pumble with minimal efforts by using Keyboard shortcuts.

Take a look at a short video, or the spreadsheet below to see which keyboard shortcuts are available.

User interface displayed in this video may not correspond to the latest version of the app

General shortcuts #

All DMsCtrl/Cmd + Shift + K
[Desktop] ThreadsCtrl/Cmd + Shift + T
Channel browserCtrl/Cmd + Shift + L
[Desktop] New messageCtrl/Cmd + N
Show/hide left sidebarCtrl/Cmd + Shift + D
Show/hide right sidebarCtrl/Cmd + .
Keyboard shortcuts sidebarCtrl/Cmd + /
Move focus to the next elementTab
Dismiss dialogueEsc
Open your preferencesCtrl/Cmd + ,
Previous unread channel or DMAlt/options + Shift + Up
Next unread channel or DMAlt/options + Shift + Down
[Desktop] Toggle SwitcherCtrl/Cmd + Shift + S
[Desktop] Switch between workspaces you are logged inCtrl/Cmd + number (the position of the WS)
Update your statusCtrl/Cmd + Shift + Y

Search shortucts #

Search in channel/conversation you’re currently inCtrl/Cmd + F
[Web] Jump to a conversationCtrl/Cmd + K
[Desktop] Jump to a conversationCtrl/Cmd + T
Show clear searchCtrl/Cmd + G
Search message history (go back)Alt/Cmd + ⬅️ or Cmd + [
Search message history (go forward)Alt/Cmd + ➡️ or Cmd + ]

Meeting shortcuts #

[Web] Setup a new meetingCmd /Ctrl + Alt/Option + Shift + M
[Desktop] Setup a new meetingCtrl/Cmd + Shift + M
Mute/unmute microphoneCtrl/Cmd + d or press M
Turn camera on/offCtrl/Cmd + e or press V
Raise handH
Hide/show call participantsCtrl + Alt/Cmd + P
Hide/show in-call messagesCtrl + Alt/Cmd + C

Format messages shortcuts #

Bold text in editorCtrl/Cmd + B
Italic text in editorCtrl/Cmd + I
Strikethrough text in editorCtrl/Cmd + Shift + X
Delete typed out text in editorCtrl/Cmd + Z
Upload file (when message field in focus)Ctrl/Cmd + U
Start audio recordingCtrl + Cmd/Alt + A
Stop audio recordingEnter/Space
Cancel audio recordingEsc
Add hyperlinkCtrl/Cmd + Shift + U
BlockquoteShift + .
Edit the last message sent(Focus on editor)
Arrow up on the keyboard

Shortcut functionality may vary depending on the operating system for desktop app and the browser for web app.

Keyboard shortcuts can be accessed inapp. To open keyboard shortcuts:

  1. Click on the ? icon at the top right corner of the screen
  2. Select Keyboard shortcuts to complete the action

or access keyboard shortcuts sidebar by pressing Ctrl/Cmd + /.

Accessibility #

Here at Pumble, we want to make sure that everyone can use the app in a way that suits them best. Therefore we developed different accessibility functionalities and features. There’s a set of keyboard shortcuts if you want to take action quickly, or navigate through your message history with back/forward keyboard keys.

To see the message history:

  • Go back: Cmd + [ and Cmd + ⬅️ for Mac OS or Alt+ ⬅️ for Windows app
  • Go forward: Cmd+ ] and Cmd + ➡️ for Mac OS or Alt + ➡️ for Windows app

Navigate through the message history in the desktop app by using the arrows at the top of the screen.

You can find them next to the History button. 

Take actions on messages #

You can right-click any message to access the common actions menu and then use these one-key shortcuts to quickly take actions:

Add reaction to a messageR
Reply in threadT
Share messageF
Save for laterA
Mark unreadU
Copy linkL
Edit messageE
Pin messageP
Set a custom reminderM
Delete messageDelete

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