Drive Innovation with Better Collaboration in 3 Steps

As a business leader, you know that collaboration between the right people, in the right way, can lead to innovative ideas.

Here are 3 ways you can collaborate better and easier, to cultivate the work environment ideal for innovations.

Is Good Team Collaboration the Key for Business Innovation-cover

Step #1: Establish clear goals to make communication easier

For starters, it’s crucial to clearly define the team goal you are trying to achieve and the challenges you may encounter along the way.

A clear and shared team goal makes effective communication and progress tracking easier. It also helps prevent misunderstandings, conflicts, and duplication of work.  

Potential challenges also need to be accounted for — once you define them, you’ll be able to find innovative ways to overcome them. 

Let’s take an app like Pumble, for example, and see how it can centralize team discussions and make sure all objectives and challenges are clear to everyone. 

If you use different channels for specific topics, you’ll make sure that everyone is on the same page. 

Channels in Pumble
Channels in Pumble

Furthermore, direct messaging is great when you want to have a private conversation with one or a couple of employees. 

Step #2: Build a diverse team and have everyone work together

Having a diverse team with varied perspectives and skills is crucial for fostering innovation — because such a team can leverage a wide range of experiences and insights

But only if they’re encouraged to work together.

Whether it’s brainstorming sessions, quick updates, or in-depth discussions, Pumble provides a platform for diverse talents to converge and collaborate effectively.

With features like mentions and reactions, Pumble makes it easier to carry out seamless communication and engagement within the team, ensuring that every member’s voice is heard and valued.

Mentions and reactions in Pumble
Mentions and reactions in Pumble

Moreover, clearly defining roles and responsibilities allows team members to focus their efforts and contribute more effectively while avoiding confusion. With user groups and customizable roles and permissions in Pumble, you can ensure that each team member has the appropriate access levels and responsibilities assigned to them. 

Step #3: Foster a supportive work environment

When team members feel safe, they are more likely to: 

  • Express their thoughts, 
  • Experiment with new approaches, and 
  • Contribute their perspectives without fear of judgment. 

These are a few ways you can foster a supportive work environment and boost innovation in your team. 

Lead by example: Set the tone for collaboration by organizing virtual meetings via video conferencing or one-on-one voice calls where you can demonstrate openness to others’ ideas and ease group discussions in real-time. 

Video calls in Pumble
Video calls in Pumble

Foster open communication: Create an environment where team members feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and concerns. By leveraging Pumble’s file-sharing and screen-sharing capabilities, you can create an open and collaborative environment where knowledge and ideas can be freely exchanged.

Appreciate diverse perspectives: Inviting external collaborators or experts to join your discussions as guests is another great way to foster innovation. This shows that fresh perspectives and insights are always valued, even beyond your team.

Inviting guests to join you in Pumble
Inviting guests to join you in Pumble

Provide helpful feedback: Cultivate a culture where feedback is seen as a tool for improvement rather than criticism. With Pumble, your team members can offer constructive feedback during video or voice calls, making it easy to improve collaboration.

Maximize innovation with Pumble  

To supercharge collaboration and innovation within your team, seamlessly integrate Pumble into your workflow.

With its intuitive features, Pumble will streamline your teamwork and revolutionize your innovation efforts.

Sign up for Pumble today! 

And, if you’re aiming for enhanced productivity across the board, explore the productivity bundle. In addition to Pumble, discover Plaky for seamless project management and Clockify for efficient team time tracking.

Ljupka  Gjosheva

Ljupka, a PR graduate with expertise in corporate communication, is a writer and researcher. Specializing in remote work productivity, she brings experience from journalism, copywriting, and content creation. Currently, at Pumble, she shares knowledge of her passions. Outside work, she enjoys travel, dance, and time with friends and family.

Free team chat app

Improve collaboration and cut down on emails by moving your team communication to Pumble.


Pumble team chat app Pumble team chat app
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