Getting Started

Available Actions

Aleksandar Olic

In Pumble, you can communicate with your team via channels and/or by using Direct Messaging (DM).

Actions you can perform include the following:

  • Send and receive messages
  • Post reactions and start a thread to reply on a specific topic
  • Send files
  • Edit and delete your own messages
  • Edit your profile
  • Set your notification preferences

Channel is a single place for team members to share messages and files. When message is posted in a channel, all users that have access to that channel will receive the notification.

Which actions can you perform and what are the results of these actions?

Direct messageSends a private message to the selected user
Message in channelSends a message in channel for channel members to see
Attaching a file to the messageUser can view, share and download the file
Search/download/share/save fileAll users with access to channel can perform these actions
@user mentionMentioned user receives a direct notification about the mention
@channel mentionAll users in the channel receive a direct notification
@here mentionAll available users in the channel receive the notification
Link channel nameUse #[channel_name] to link private/public channel
Emoji reactionPosts a reaction to the selected message
Pinned messageMessage is highlighted and pinned to the channel
Share messageShare the selected message to a different channel or direct message
Edit messageEdits the selected message
Delete messageDeletes the selected message 

Channels that have specific preferences which differ from the global settings are available in user’s Preferences in the Profile settings under Channel-specific notifications. These preferences can be edited there and the channel can be removed from the list which will restore its global settings.

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