Remote communication via email is still, along with messaging via team communication apps, one of the most popular ways for professionals to get and stay in touch with their clients, colleagues, or bosses.
However, no matter how many emails we have sent during our careers, sometimes we may miss the right words for conveying our messages appropriately.
Therefore, it is essential to know a few useful business email phrases we can use whenever we lack inspiration for an email’s introduction, body, or conclusion.
In this article, you will learn more about:
- The importance of professional phrases in email communication,
- Appropriate subject lines,
- Useful opening phrases for emails,
- Great phrases for bodies of emails,
- Helpful closing phrases for emails, and
- What clichés to avoid in emails.
Now, let’s see what business phrases can be useful for writing professional emails.

Table of Contents
Why is it important to know business email phrases?
According to business etiquette expert Jacqueline Whitmore, the sent email is usually the first impression we leave on others.
Therefore, it is important to create an email that will be transparent and professional. Thanks to a well-written email, we will leave a positive impression on the person we send the email to.
Leaving a positive impact may ensure you get a job, promotion, or reach an agreement with another party.
Now, you might ask yourself why business email phrases are important for work emails and why we can’t create emails with our own words only, without any phrases.
The answer is simple — business email phrases enable us to formulate properly everything we want to say.
Regardless of whether the things we want to say are formal or not, or if the recipient is our boss or colleague, the appropriate use of business phrases facilitates expressing our thoughts.
Furthermore, it helps us stay professional.
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To be more sure of your messaging skills in every situation, we recommend you check out our article:
What to put in a business email subject line?
The email subject line introduces a reader to the topic we want to discuss.
It is paramount that the business email phrases we want to put in the subject line are clear and concise.
Therefore, avoid detailed phrases that confuse a reader and disrupt their attention span.
Furthermore, be aware that once you state the topic you will write about, you should not discuss other topics in the same email — leave them for another email, and concentrate solely on the topic you have announced.
Here are some common email expressions you can put in the subject lines depending on the nature of the email you want to send.
Business email phrases for subject lines when applying for a new job
An email application is basically your introduction to the people responsible for hiring you.
Therefore, it is important to leave a positive impression.
Along with positive impressions, using business communication words and phrases increases your chances of getting hired.
So, let us not waste any more time and see the email subject lines that might come in handy for your job application email.
“Application regarding the position of [the name of the position]”
“Application for the position of [the name of the position]”
“[The name of the position you are applying for] — [Your name]”
“Resume and cover letter for the position of [the name of the position]”
“Referred by [the first and last name of the person]”
“Referral — [Your first and last name]”
“Job inquiry — [Your first and last name]”
Business email phrases for subject lines regarding requests
There are times when we will need to make requests to our managers or bosses.
Whether we want to ask for an update at work, advance payment, or request help, it is good to know a few professional phrases regarding requests that you can put in the subject lines of your emails.
Here they are:
“Request regarding the [the name of the topic]”
“Request for [the name of what you need]”
“Inquiry regarding the [the name of the topic]”
“Question regarding the [the name of the topic]”
“Plea regarding the [the name of the topic]”
Business email phrases for subject lines when arranging meetings
When it comes to arranging meetings, it is best to be direct from the very beginning.
Namely, a clear and short subject line, along with the meeting details in the body of an email, should be enough.
Here are business email phrases for scheduling meetings:
“Email regarding the meeting”
“Meeting request regarding the [the name of the topic]”
“Checking meeting availability”
“Meeting notification”
What are good opening phrases for emails?
The opening phrases for emails are the continuation of the tone you have already indicated in the subject line.
In addition, both the subject lines and the opening phrases will imply the topic of an email.
Before we get to the part where we provide opening email expressions, we want to highlight the importance of avoiding any kind of informal language in the work email.
Namely, some members of the younger generations tend to use informal SMS phrases while communicating with their managers/bosses/colleagues via professional email.
As a result, many members of the Baby Boomer Generation (born between 1946 and 1964) or Generation X (born between 1965 and 1979) do not understand what the expressions mean.
Furthermore, they pretty much consider them impolite.
These situations might even lead to communication breakdown.
So, we recommend you refrain from informalities and start your email with some of the following opening phrases to:
- Improve communication across generations,
- Avoid misunderstandings and
- Stay professional.
💡 Pumble Pro Tip
To learn more about the rules of professional remote communication, check out our article:
Friendly opening phrases for emails
After you spend some time in a company and meet your colleagues better, it is common that some of them become your friends.
You might not be best friends forever, but you would still know each other well enough to avoid strict rules of formal communication.
However, avoiding strict rules doesn’t mean you can use impolite language or talk about whatever you want in professional emails.
To avoid the risk of being too casual with your friends from work, we have found a few opening phrases for emails, that will help you stay on the right track:
“I hope you are well!”
“I hope you had a great day/month/year!”
“Hey, welcome back! I hope you had a nice trip/break/great vacation!”
“I’m glad we’ve seen each other on [the day/date when you saw each other]!”
“Hey, how are you? I am reaching out to you via email because [the reason for using the professional email to reach them out]!”
💡 Pumble Pro Tip
Friendly conversation via professional email means you can also use business acronyms sometimes. To learn more about them, we recommend checking out this article:
Formal opening phrases for emails
One of the best strategies for writing emails is “mirroring” — building your emails’ tone in line with the tone you have seen in another party’s email.
However, it is not always possible to use this strategy, because sometimes we will be the ones who make the first move.
Therefore, in that scenario, it is important to remain professional and partially formal until you see if the other party wants to change the tone of your conversation.
Here are the best formal opening phrases:
“I am reaching out to you because [the reason for reaching out].”
“I am contacting you in order to [the reason for contacting].”
“Your advice in the field of [the wanted field] will be much appreciated. Namely…”
“I hope this email finds you well.”
“I am eager to get your advice on [the name of the problem/topic].”
Apologetic opening phrases for emails
Being able to apologize is one of the crucial attributes of a real professional.
Regardless if it is your or someone else’s fault, you will need to learn how to formulate effective apologies and avoid potential challenges in communication.
Of course, the way of apologizing will differ depending on the situation.
In any case, one of the most fruit-bearing ways of formulating an effective apology is by using some of the following apologetic opening phrases for emails:
“Please accept my/our apologies for [the name of the problem].”
“I/We apologize for [the name of the problem].”
“I/We apologize on behalf of the company for [the name of the problem].”
“I am/We are so sorry because of [the name of the problem].”
“Sorry for [the name of the problem].”
Opening phrases for informative emails
An informative email is the type of email that you will probably use the most during your professional career.
It serves to establish a stronger connection and understanding between you and your partners.
Namely, thanks to informative emails, you will:
- Arrange meetings and events,
- Enquire or share details about a particular topic, and
- Strengthen cooperation and communication.
Here are the best opening phrases for informative emails:
“I am reaching out to you regarding our next event/meeting/summit/presentation.”
“I am reaching out to you in connection with/concerning/with regards to [the reason for reaching them out].”
“I am writing to you to check/let you know/confirm/invite you/enquire…”
“The following email/message serves to inform you about…”
“Please let me know if you have received the documents attached to this email.” — This phrase is used when there are documents attached to the email.
Opening phrases for email replies
An email reply serves to give a clear response to the email we received.
Thanks to the opening phrases for email replies, you are enabled to continue a discussion, share your viewpoints, or notify the other party about something.
Just watch out to fit in the opening phrases with what you write in an email body.
The following opening phrases will pave the path for an email reply to look clear and professional.
Here are the best opening phrases for email replies:
“As you requested, I am sending you…”
“As per your request…”
“I am contacting you due to the facts/ideas/information you shared in your last email. Namely…”
“I just want to notify you that I have received your email.”
“Thank you for your quick response.”
“Regarding/Concerning your last email…”
What are useful business phrases for the body of an email?
As we all probably know, the body of an email is where the main text of an email is located.
Both the subject line and opening phrases serve to introduce the reader to the things they will learn in the body of an email.
Depending on the nature of the email, in the body, one should:
- Ask or answer a question,
- Provide feedback,
- Share specific information, or
- Say thanks.
To make the transition between the introduction and the body smooth, it is important to know useful business phrases.
Therefore, we have gathered a plethora of business phrases one can use in the body of an email.
Business email phrases when you want to make a request
When you make requests, it is essential to sound polite and determined at the same time.
After picking the most appropriate opening phrases, you should be concise and request what you need.
Here are a few business phrases we advise you to use if you want to make a request via email:
“My question is, could you please…”
“If it is possible, could you…”
“I/We would appreciate it if you could…”
“Please let me know/send me/explain to me…”
“I/We would be extremely grateful/thankful if you could…”
Business email phrases when you want to share information
Nowadays, good team communication is more important than ever.
Therefore, to enable easier communication between their employees, many companies opt for team communication apps like Pumble.
Namely, thanks to Pumble, one can even arrange video conferences for teams instead of only communicating via messages.
It makes sharing of information easier, and employees become more efficient.

However, there are times when we will need to share some information with external partners, who do not use Pumble or any similar team communication app.
Hence, it is good to be prepared for that type of email communication, and have a few phrases ready.
Here are professional phrases for email bodies we recommend you use when you want to share information via email:
“Please note that…”
“The information we have got is that…”
“Let me just quickly remind you that…”
“I would like to notify/inform/let you know…”
“You might find this information useful/important/helpful:…”
💡 Pumble Pro Tip
Do you know that Pumble has guest access, as well? That way, your colleagues from other companies can communicate instantly with you via the app you use! To learn more about the benefits of instant messaging, check out our article:
Business email phrases when you attach documents/media/files to an email
Oftentimes, along with information, we share certain files, documents, or media that will confirm our statements.
Therefore, it is important to notify the recipient that there is a file attached to an email.
To be sure that the recipient will not overlook the files, we use the following phrases:
“I have enclosed/attached/sent you [the type of file you attached].”
“I am sending you [the type of the file you attached].”
“Please confirm that you have received [the type of the file you attached].”
“In order to see more details, please check the files I/we attached below.”
“Any additional information you would like to know is in the file I/we attached below.”
Business email phrases when you want to schedule a meeting
These days it is hard to arrange meetings with friends, let alone business partners or colleagues.
However, the better your email looks, the greater the chances are that you will schedule a meeting.
Therefore, we recommend you check out our phrases for scheduling a meeting that will surely help you:
“If it is fine with you, I/we would like to schedule a meeting on [the date]?”
“I am reaching out to you regarding our meeting. We would like to arrange it on [date].”
“Bearing in mind the hectic schedule, I/we will only be able to see you on [date].”
“I am/We are free on [day]. Please let me know if this works for you.”
“Will you be able to come to a meeting on [date/day]?”
“I am free on [date] if that works for you.”
Business email phrases when you want to share bad news with someone
Unfortunately, there will be times when we would need to share bad news with our colleagues, employees, or business partners.
It is important to be ready for those unpleasant situations — for example, when we need to reschedule a meeting, rescind a job offer, change plans, or express condolences.
Here are the business email phrases you can use whenever you want to share bad news with someone:
“Unfortunately, we are not able/do not have the capacity/will need to reschedule…”
“I/We regret to inform you that…”
“I/We are so sorry to inform you that…”
“I am/We are afraid that…”
“Due to [name the reason], we will not be able to…”
“Despite my/our efforts, we will not be able to…”
What are some useful closing email phrases?
Whatever you do in professional life, you do not simply disappear when it is over. It is important to “conclude the story” and say goodbye in a professional manner.
When it comes to the conclusion of emails, there are so-called closing phrases that make our lives easier.
Namely, they help us finish in the same manner we have written the whole email, and hopefully confirm a positive impression about us.
Furthermore, it is important to remember that a lot of people will remember only the last lines they read, and in accordance with that, they will form an opinion about our professionality.
Therefore, here are some business email ending phrases that you will most commonly use.
General business email phrases for closing an email
You can use these business email closing phrases whenever you want to conclude an email in a neutral and respectful tone.
The following phrases are the most common:
“All the best…”
“Kindest regards…”
“Warm regards…”
“Best wishes…”
Apologetic business email phrases for closing an email
We mentioned apologetic opening phrases, but now it is time for apologetic business email phrases for closing.
Namely, they are the proper ending for emails in which you report that you have failed to deliver certain information or simply that you have made a mistake.
Here are the apologetic business email ending phrases:
“Once again, please accept my/our sincere apologies for the inconvenience I/we caused…”
“Once again, sorry for the inconvenience…”
“Thank you for accepting our apologies…”
“Thank you for your understanding…”
“I hope we will find a solution soon…”
Business email phrases when you want to set certain expectations
Business might be compared to a huge race.
Many would add that business is not a sprint but more like a marathon — it means that there is a lot of planning and thinking in advance involved.
Therefore, people often set some kind of expectations at the end of an email.
Whether they want to emphasize that all the things discussed in an email were private or they want some further information, it is common to use the following phrases when setting expectations in an email:
“Please bear in mind that this email is highly confidential…”
“I look forward to hearing from you soon…”
“I look forward to seeing you…”
“Please let me know if you can deliver/send me/do it…”
“Please have it ready by tomorrow. Thank you in advance.”
What are email clichés and should we use them?
Sometimes we need to use clichés — although we know they should be avoided.
But, not all clichés are the same. A lot of phrases have become clichés because they are usually true, as well.
Nevertheless, they are still likable and the majority of professionals use them often. One cannot imagine email communication without business words and phrases such as “Cheers” or “Kind regards”.
However, some clichés are really annoying, and that might leave a negative impression on the recipient.
For example, I strongly advise you against checking someone’s progress shortly after giving them an assignment. Therefore, avoid the following messages:
- “As per my last email, I wanted to know how it is going.”
- “Just checking if it is in progress…”
- “Looping in…”
Also, while writing emails, avoid spreading love like it is the summer of 1967. Yeah, it is great to be polite and nice toward your colleagues, but do not overdo it. Especially in business communication. Therefore, avoid the following:
- Using ‘x’ or kisses in the email closing,
- Too many exclamation marks after a business email ending phrase,
- Writing “Love” in the email conclusion.
Try out your newly learned business phrases on Pumble
Knowing some smart business phrases that you can use in formal professional communication will certainly come in handy every now and then.
If you want to take the phrases you just learned for a test drive, consider trying some of them out with your colleagues on Pumble, a team communication app.
If your team uses Pumble, you’ll be able to quickly and easily send business phrases to your coworkers via:
- DMs
- Group messages, or
- Dedicated channels.
Pumble is an all-in-one communication and collaboration tool that allows you to seamlessly communicate with your team, organize your workload, and keep everyone connected. Thanks to features such as video conferencing, meeting scheduling, and guest access, Pumble ensures that all your business needs are met.
Are you curious to find out how Pumble can help you improve your and your team’s business communication?