Getting Started

Register at Pumble

Aleksandar Olic

You can Register to Pumble by creating your own workspace or joining a workspace via the invitation link you receive from your team members.

Creating a workspace #

  1. Go to the Registration page
  2. Choose to Continue with Google or Continue with email

Continue with Google #

You’ll be redirected to your email account and Welcome to Pumble screen:

  1. If you don’t have a workspace, enter the Company/Team name in the text field, agree to Pumble and terms of use and click Create workspace
  2. If you have a workspace, choose one from the list

Continue with email #

Enter your email address and then a verification code.

You’ll be redirected to Welcome to Pumble screen. Enter the Company/Team name in the text field, agree to Pumble and terms of use and click Create workspace.

Once you did that, you’ll be redirected to the workspace you created, and encounter a modal prompting you to invite users to your newly created workspace.

Joining a workspace #

When someone invites you to the workspace, you will receive an email with the invitation link. Here is what you need to do next:

  1. Open your email
  2. Find the email with the invitation
  1. Click Join now
  2. Type your name, agree to Pumble and terms of use, and you’ll be able to join the workspace

Check out this article to learn more about setting up your personal profile after creating/joining a workspace on Pumble.

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