How to Boost Your Customer Support Response Times

Your customers drive your business’s success, so it’s crucial to keep them happy and satisfied.

One effective way to do this is by improving your customer support team’s efficiency.

Did you know that 83% of customers feel more loyal to brands that quickly respond to and resolve their complaints?

Faster response times can make a big difference.

So, let’s explore 3 easy ways to achieve them.

Best ways to improve your customer support teams response times-cover

#1 Use real-time communication for quick answers

In the customer support world where time is of the essence, your team has little to spare waiting around for email replies. That is why real-time communication through your team communication app is perfect for enabling much faster responses. 

For example, If your support team needs quick input from development, they can use direct messaging. For more detailed explanations or urgent issues, a quick voice or video call works best. 

Calls are also great for an all-hands approach and for distributing tasks quickly. Designate who communicates with internal teams and users for faster resolutions. 

Video calls in Pumble
Video calls in Pumble

These methods can help you problem solve faster without much disruption to anyone’s workflow. 

Plus, you can use the reactions feature to confirm you’ve read a message, ensuring everyone stays in the loop.

Reactions in Pumble
Reactions in Pumble

#2 Organize your conversations

Good organization always saves time and effort.  

To keep your conversations organized, create dedicated channels for different types of support queries. When each team and department has its own channel, your support team will have no problem understanding where to reach out for assistance. This setup ensures smooth communication and quicker issue resolution.

Plus, you can further organize discussions by using threads to continue conversations around specific issues without cluttering the main space. 

Channels, threads, and DMs in Pumble
Channels, threads, and DMs in Pumble

Moreover, when your team needs to find a solution that’s been resolved before, they can use the search feature in your internal communication app to quickly locate relevant information within channels and threads.

Encourage your team to save messages they will find useful in the future. 

Additionally, pin important messages for easy reference to information that concerns all channel members.

#3 Fine-tune your notifications

Lastly, it’s crucial to stay informed of updates and new messages promptly. For your customer support team to perform at their best, they need to be alerted to all relevant changes and messages that may impact response times. That’s why customizing notification preferences is essential for quick resolutions.

Notification preferences in Pumble
Notification preferences in Pumble

Create an internal system for communicating based on the urgency of the issue. For example, use the mentions feature to tag a user or team when immediate attention is needed. 

Encourage your team to set up their notifications to alert them only about direct messages and mentions to avoid being overwhelmed. The do-not-disturb feature can help them focus while talking to clients.

If your company offers round-the-clock support, your team can set their working hours each week to receive notifications only during their shifts.

Speed up support with Pumble 

Implementing these strategies can greatly enhance your customer support team’s efficiency, leading to happier and more satisfied customers.

With Pumble, you get real-time communication, organized conversations, custom notifications, and much more — all in one app.

Ready to see the difference? Sign up for Pumble today!

And for a complete productivity boost, don’t miss out on’s bundle, featuring Clockify for time tracking and Plaky for project management. Maximize your team’s efficiency now!

Ljupka  Gjosheva

Ljupka, a PR graduate with expertise in corporate communication, is a writer and researcher. Specializing in remote work productivity, she brings experience from journalism, copywriting, and content creation. Currently, at Pumble, she shares knowledge of her passions. Outside work, she enjoys travel, dance, and time with friends and family.

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