70+ Best work from home memes

Since remote and hybrid work models are on the rise, working from the comfort of your own home is slowly but surely becoming our new normal. 

In fact, data projections show that 25% of jobs in North America will be remote by the end of 2022.

The benefits of working from home are obvious — such as freedom and flexibility — but it’s not all milk and honey. 

Things like Zoom fatigue, miscommunication, and procrastination often lead to frustration and stress.

The good news is: we can always laugh at our problems. 

We curated a compilation of some of the best work from home memes, so we can poke fun at ourselves and bond with people in the same boat as us.

Pick your favorites and share them with your favorite coworkers. 🙂 

general work from home memes remote work

General work from home memes

As much as we may complain, we still prefer our remote-first culture, and we don’t want to go back to the office.
Here are some memes that reflect how we feel about working from home.

general work from home memes society
general work from home memes return to the office
general work from home memes office option
general work from home memes change my mind requirement to work in the office
general work from home memes working from home
general work from home memes return to the office
general work from home memes wfh phrases
general work from home memes remote first company
general work from home memes balance
general work from home memes return to the office
general work from home memes remote vs office
general work from home memes remote work office
general work from home memes google docs
general work from home memes work attire
general work from home memes pajamas work attire
general work from home memes meeting coworkers

Procrastination memes

You’re working in your bed, in comfortable clothes, cuddling with your pet. 

You’re gathering the strength to go clean your kitchen and thinking about what you’re going to have for a snack later.

But, then you remember — you’re at work, and you have tasks to finish.

WFH procrastinators, brace yourselves — this batch of memes is for you!

💡 Pumble Pro Tip

If you’re a victim of procrastination, check out this blog post:

work from home procrastination memes focus and motivation
work from home procrastination memes another episode
work from home procrastination memes target line
work from home procrastination memes chores
work from home procrastination memes well deserved break
work from home procrastination memes laziness
work from home procrastination memes sleeping green status
work from home procrastination memes social media
work from home procrastination memes why are you like this
work from home procrastination memes distractions
work from home procrastination memes waking up 2 minutes before meeting
work from home procrastination memes bed vs ready

Virtual meetings memes

There’s nothing like sitting through yet another virtual meeting that could have been an email.

Enjoy our virtual meeting memes.

work from home meeting memes mute no video
work from home meeting memes unmute your mic
work from home meeting memes entering meeting early
work from home meeting memes 8am meeting
work from home meeting memes sharing screen tabs
work from home meeting memes zoom schedule
work from home meeting memes any questions
work from home meeting memes turn on cameras
work from home meeting memes focused
work from home meeting memes internal panic
work from home meeting memes weeknd vs on camera on monday
work from home meeting memes googling words
work from home meeting memes zoom backgrounds
work from home meeting memes missed meeting
work from home meeting memes short update
work from home meeting memes unmuting to say bye
work from home meeting memes dog and toddler in the background
work from home meeting memes wifi problems
work from home meeting memes meetings could have been an email

Emails memes

When we’re not telling people on the call they’re on mute, we’re probably experiencing some of the joys of email communication — such as letting people know we’ve already emailed them that document they’re asking for.

Here are some email memes for all of you who feel this.

💡 Pumble Pro Tip

If you’re looking for an email alternative, we got you:

work from home email memes when i get an email
work from home email memes mood
work from home email memes just a friendly reminder
work from home email memes late email
work from home email memes as per my last email
work from home email memes how emails found me
work from home email memes
work from home email memes exclamation points friendly
work from home email memes email communication
work from home email memes scheduling emails
work from home email meme kanye look
work from home email memes how the email found me

Work messages memes

The third musketeer of work from home communication are team communication apps such as Pumble

Even though meetings and emails are the usual meme superstars, team chat apps are also an integral part of the remote working experience, so excluding them would be unfair. 

work from home work messages memes annoying coworker
work from home work messages memes bad news
work from home work messages memes notifications
work from home work messages memes laugh reaction
work from home work messages memes after work hours
work from home work messages memes never responding to messages
work from home work messages memes waiting response
work from home work messages memes after work hours

Improve your work from home experience with Pumble

If you want to improve your work from home experience and enhance communication with your team for free, Pumble offers you:

  • Ability to communicate in real time
  • 10GB of storage
  • File sharing
  • Voice and video calls
  • Unlimited chat history
  • Guest access with pro plan
  • And much, much more
Pumble before and after work from home memes
Dunja  Jovanovic

Dunja is a content manager at Pumble, leading a team of communication authors and researchers. She has been researching and writing about communication and psychology, especially in a professional setting, since her university days. As she works remotely herself, she likes helping others not only survive but also thrive in a virtual work environment.

Free team chat app

Improve collaboration and cut down on emails by moving your team communication to Pumble.


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