Harness the Power of HR Hilarity: 60+ Funny HR Memes for 2024

People tend to have pretty strong feelings about those who work in human resources.

Some find HR professionals rather intimidating, while others see them as crucial drivers of employee engagement and workplace morale.

Either way, this fascinating profession is packed with lots of ups and downs and plenty of humor to be found on either end of the spectrum.

With that in mind, we wanted to present to you some of the most hilarious and relatable HR memes we found all over the Internet.

HR memes - cover

10 best HR memes about the ins and outs of human resources

HR many hats
when a candidate emails you a day after accepting your offer-min
when a candidate makes fun of the salary you’re offering-min
new hires on day one-min
upper management pizza party-min
why is no one having a good time-min
hearing something questionable at the office-min
when you’re naturally a snarky person-min
when your joke is so funny hr wants to hear it in person-min
having to offboard someone you onboarded-min

Too many hats: Funny HR memes about the versatility of the job

When you picture an HR employee, do you tend to envision a bright and cheerful type of person or an expressionless corporate drone who loves to dole out work write-ups?

Well, no matter which image came to you first, the truth is that HR employees can be all that and more, as the following human resources memes show.

working in hr be like how many hats-min
do you ever look at someone and wonder-min
when the social media team needs someone to be in a video-min
when the social media team doesn't need extras for their video-min
hr employees rating their own performance-min

Gone fishing: HR memes about recruiting new talent

One of the many responsibilities of your average HR department includes talent acquisition — hiring new employees.

So, here are some funny recruiting memes you can laugh at while you’re waiting for that one candidate to respond to your email.

stalking social recruiting-min
me when the candidate accepts our offer-min
when the candidate puts in their 2 week notice to accept my offer-min
hey are you sleeping-min
getting ghosted by a great job candidate-min
tell me the truth im ready to hear it-min
when a candidate rejects your offer-min
circling back on a candidate i dismissed 2 weeks ago like-min
now hiring people that show up-min
the resume the candidate-min
what the company wants-min

Welcome aboard! Hilarious HR memes about onboarding new hires

As any recruiter will tell you, nothing’s set in stone — at least, not until your new hires go through the onboarding process.

With that in mind, let’s see the best HR memes about crossing that finish line!

when a new hire shows up for onboarding-min
when new hires complete their online onboarding course-min
managers redirecting new hires to hr every time they have a question-min
when someone comes to you with a question-min
when the new hire calls hr-min
welcoming a new hr employee-min

Is everyone having a good time? HR memes about creating a great employee experience

Once your new hires have signed their contracts, there’s still a question of how long they’ll stay with the company. Luckily, any HR professional worth their salt will tell you that worker retention is all about creating a great employee experience

Here are some funny human resources memes that prove that point.

hr when someone asks what goes into creating a great employee experience-min
one does not simply have engaged employees-min
rick and morty retention interviews-min
when you launch a wellness program-min
when hr gets a good budget for once-min
hr trying to get the team spirit going-min
hr employees at the company party they organized-min
leaving the company party unsupervised-min

It’s not all rainbows and unicorns: Relatable HR memes about the difficult sides of the job

As much as we try to make every day at work a positive experience for everyone involved, that’s not always going to be possible. After all, work is work — and a job in human resources comes with just as many drawbacks as any other profession.

So, with that in mind, let’s check out some relatable HR memes about the downsides of human resource management.

so how are things in hr these days-min
hr employees trying to stay fabulous-min
hr employee on their first day of work-min
seeing the hr and recruitment budget-min
when a manager wildly misinterprets a company policy-min
when you have an hr question-min
when you tell people they can talk to you about any work problems but they give you an apprehensive look-min
watching the people you brought on leave the company-min
processing the promotion of someone who doesn’t deserve it like-min
when the morning coffee starts to smell like mass layoffs-min
you work in hr you must be a real people person-min
working in hr be like notifications-min
when the boss asks what hr has been up to-min
when you’re on vacation-min
hr employee on vacation-min

The company cop: Dealing with employee discipline and improvement plans

When you work with people, it’s only a matter of time before you’ll be called upon to help resolve conflicts between employees, implement improvement plans, or even fire someone. These are all difficult conversations, but someone’s got to have them.

Still, if you need some HR humor to break the ice when the time comes, here are some HR memes that should do the trick.

hr on their way to ask an employee if they have a minute-min
do you have any idea why i called you over-min
what it feels like to deliver a write-up-min
when you put an employee on an improvement plan-min
when you have to fire an employee but they hit you with the-min
when you see someone you fired out and about-min

Press F to pay respects: Human resources memes about HR exhaustion

Like them or not, human resources professionals have a vital role to play in a company’s day-to-day operations. They’re the ones who organize company events, provide employee development opportunities, and even go so far as to accept your cousin’s friend’s resume — if you ask nicely.

With that in mind, let’s end this HR meme compilation by acknowledging everything HR employees do for us.

human resources checklist-min
roses are red coffees required-min
walking past the hr office after a fabulous teambuilding event-min

Use Pumble to promote better communication in your HR team — and share some HR memes along the way

If a human resources meme is funny and no one is around to see it… does it even matter?

I’d wager to say no. If only there was a fantastic business messaging app you could use to share the joy of HR memes with your coworkers.

Oh, wait — there’s Pumble.

Pumble is the all-inclusive communication app every human resources team needs.

Though it’s chock-full of essential features, we should highlight the ones that HR professionals find particularly convenient. Namely, you can use:

  • Guest access accounts to collaborate with third parties, such as prospective job candidates,
  • Video conferencing features to interview candidates and conduct retention meetings as well as host employee workshops, and
  • File and document sharing feature for sending disciplinary action forms, employee performance reviews, and pulse surveys.

Ultimately, Pumble can completely replace email in internal communication and even in the hiring process, after the initial contact with job candidates.

But, if you’re looking for something more than a simple communication app, you may want to check out the CAKE.com productivity bundle, which includes:

  1. The time-tracking app — Clockify,
  2. The project management app — Plaky, and
  3. Pumble.
doing hr over email-min
Olga  Milicevic

Olga Milicevic is a communication researcher and author dedicated to making your professional life a bit easier. She believes that everyone should have the tools necessary to respond to their coworkers’ requests and communicate their own professional needs clearly and kindly.

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