Twist vs Slack: Focus vs Features

Modern workplaces offer us various work models — in-office, remote, or hybrid

However, our common goal is effective communication and collaboration, and that is why we need communication and collaboration tools.

Yet, with so many such tools on the market, we’re spoiled for choice. 

That’s why we’ll try to make that choice a bit easier for you by comparing two of the most popular communication apps in detail — Twist and Slack. 

First, we’ll do a quick overview. 

Afterward, we’ll compare the following categories:

  • Pricing plans,
  • Interface,
  • Communication,
  • Notifications,
  • Search,
  • File sharing and storage,
  • Integrations,
  • Support, and
  • Security.

Finally, we’ll reach the verdict and crown the winner. 

We hope that at the end of this blog post, you’ll have all the information necessary to choose the right tool for you.

Let’s begin!

Twist vs Slack overview

We’ll start with a brief overview of both communication tools.

Let’s begin with Twist.  

With their catchy adage “Work async not ASAP”,  the team behind Twist has captured the hearts of many. 

Twist is a communication tool dedicated to asynchronous communication, designed for teams who can’t rely on real-time communication

This minimalist messaging app is focused on threaded conversations, providing users with a calmer experience due to the lack of distractions. 

It is available on iOS, macOS, Android, Windows, and the web.


Slack is an app for business communication. 

It allows you to exchange instant messages — direct or group ones — in so-called Channels. 

Moreover, in Slack, you can share files and use integrations with other apps.

This business messaging platform is also available on iOS, macOS, Android, Windows, and the web.


The table below shows you the main features of both apps — Twist and Slack. 

Pricing– Free (one month of comments and messages, up to 500 members and unlimited guests, up to 5 integrations)
– Paid plan $5 per user per month
– Free (up to 10k messages, 10 apps & integrations)
– Standard $6.67 per active user per month – Plus $12.50 per active user per month
Interface– User-friendly, 
– Clean
– Clean, 
– Custom sidebar themes
Communication options– Channels and conversations organized in threads– Special places for group conversations — Channels
Notifications– DND
– Customizable notifications
– You can set up notifications for specific channels and keywords
Search options– You can search messages and threads– More advanced — allows you to search within a specific time frame.
– Search within documents
File sharing and storage options– Free plan: 5 GB file storage for a team
– Unlimited plan: unlimited file storage
– Free plan: 5 GB file storage for a team
– Standard plan: 10 GB per user
– Plus plan: 20 GB per user
Integrations– 5 integrations limit in the free plan, 
– 34 integrations in the paid plan
– 10 integrations limit in the free plan, 
– 2400+ integrations in paid plans
Support– Email/Help Desk
– FAQs/Forum
– Knowledge Base Chat
– Email/Help Desk
– FAQs/Forum
– Knowledge Base Chat
Security– Standard security 
– (paid plans)
– Standard security 
– (paid plans)

If you’re looking for more information on these apps, dive into our detailed analysis of Twist and Slack. 

Twist vs Slack pricing plans 1:0

Both these apps have free and paid versions.

If we look at the free versions first, we’ll notice that Twist allows you:

  • Access to one month of comments and messages,
  • Up to 500 members and unlimited guests, and
  • Up to 5 integrations. 

On the other hand, Slack’s freemium version allows you access to:

  • 10,000 messages,
  • 10 integrations, and
  • Voice calls.
Twist's pricing plan
Twist’s pricing plan

Speaking of paid plans, for $5 per user per month, Twist offers you access to:

  • A full history of comments or messages, 
  • Unlimited members, 
  • Unlimited integrations, 
  • Unlimited guests, 
  • Unlimited file storage, and 
  • Priority support.

Slack enables you with some of these features for a price of $6.67 per user per month. 

That is precisely why Twist is this category’s winner — for a more affordable price, it offers more features. 

Slack’s pricing plan
Slack’s pricing plan

For easier comparison, here’s a brief overview of both apps’ pricing plans: 

Pricing plansTwistSlack
Free plan YesYes 
Free trialNoNo 
Cheapest paid plan$5$6.67
Overall impression ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Twist vs Slack interface 0:1

Moving on to the category that especially concerns the users who spend a significant part of their workday staring at business communication apps — which is unavoidable if you’re working remotely or in distributed teams

That’s why a user-friendly and clean interface is all the more important. 

Let’s start with Twist. 

Twist’s interface
Twist’s interface

Twist boasts a clean, uncluttered interface that helps you focus on your conversations, thereby encouraging mindful communication with your team. 

The team behind Twist has opted for a two-column layout — with threads dominating the interface, so you can follow conversations better. 

When you’re finished interacting with a thread, once you mark it as done, Twist moves it from your inbox from “Active” to the “Done” view. 

Aside from that, Twist offers you to choose between a light and a dark mode. 

Twist’s dark theme
Twist’s dark theme

Let’s move on to Slack. 

Slack also prides itself on a user-friendly, intuitive interface. 

Slack’s interface
Slack’s interface

All channels and DMs are on the left side of the screen. 

There are also commands for shortcuts — you can start a new channel or insert a GIF this way.

Slack also allows you to select light or dark mode.

But, in addition, it offers a wider range of colors to choose from when defining a theme. 

Those users who feel especially creative can even make their own custom theme. 

Making a custom theme in Slack
Making a custom theme in Slack

Thanks to its advanced options for customization, in this round, Slack is the winner. 

LayoutClean and unclutteredClean and intuitive
Customization BasicAdvanced 
Overall impression ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Twist vs Slack communication 1:1

Here’s where the situation gets a bit complicated. 

Namely, both apps offer quality communication options, but whether you’ll prefer one or the other depends on you.

Both apps have dedicated channels for group conversations, and conversations have threads. 

However, Twist is more suitable for those who don’t need answers ASAP, and it focuses on asynchronous communication. 

That’s also the reason why it provides a calmer mode of communication for your teams and gives you a chance to do some deep work

Moreover, Twist’s threaded structure resembles an email app interface. That way, you can organize your conversations by topic.

Channels and threads in Twist
Channels and threads in Twist

On the left, you can see the channels, while the main part of the screen is covered with threaded messages you have chosen.

Threads in Slack
Threads in Slack

If you need a real-time chat app and you’re worried Twist resembles an email app a bit too much (and you think an email-like app may not be your best solution), Slack is a better option for you. 

So, neither of these apps is inherently better than the other. It’s only a matter of what your team needs.

Just keep in mind that both apps have limited chat history in the free plans — Twist’s is limited to one month of comments and messages, whereas Slack’s history is limited to 10,000 of the most recent messages.

💡 Pumble Pro Tip

For those of you who find message history important, maybe the best solution would be Pumble, which offers you unlimited chat history in a free plan.

Let’s look at the table summarizing the communication options of these two apps.

Chat history Access to one month of comments and messages with the free plan10,000 most recent messages with the free plan
Mentions and reactionsYesYes 
Threads YesYes 
Channels Private and publicPrivate and public
Message formatting StandardStandard 
Emojis and GIFsYesEmojis yes, GIFs no
Overall impression ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Twist vs Slack notifications 0:1

Twist strives to notify you less and improve communication by making it asynchronous and more relaxed.

Since conversations are organized into threads, you can:

  • Snooze your notifications, 
  • Finish your work, and then 
  • Respond to comments in the thread when it suits you.
Notifications in Twist
Notifications in Twist

Aside from that, Twist allows you to set a Do Not Disturb mode. 

Namely, you can select a time period when you don’t want to be disturbed. You can even make a weekly schedule if you know you have some more pressing tasks on your to-do list. 

DND mode in Twist
DND mode in Twist

However, Slack’s diverse notification system allows you to choose whether you want to receive notifications or not. 

If it suits you, you can pause the notifications, and get less of them, just like in Twist, but here — the choice is yours. That’s why Slack is the clear winner of this category. 

In Slack, you get notified when:

  • You get a direct message from someone
  • Someone mentions you
  • You get a reply on a thread you’re following
  • You receive a message from Slackbot
DM notification in Slack
DM notification in Slack

Just like Twist, Slack has a Do Not Disturb mode, which is especially useful for teams working across different time zones. It’s also useful when you’re working on an important project and you don’t want to get distracted

Notification settings in Slack
Notification settings in Slack

To sum up, if you don’t want to miss any important messages in your group conversations, Slack is a better option for you. 

Still, the choice is ultimately yours — you decide whether you want to get all or just some notifications. 

All things considered, Slack is a more customizable business messaging platform when it comes to notifications, and that’s why it’s this category’s winner. 

Notification configurationMediumAdvanced
DND mode YesYes 
Mute channels and direct messages YesYes 
Overall impression⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Twist vs Slack search 0:1

We can all agree there’s nothing more annoying than when you can’t find that important piece of information from the last meeting. The search may cost you your precious time, your nerves, and not to mention your productivity.

Yet, it doesn’t have to be so challenging if your communication tool has great search options.

For one, Twist offers you advanced filters. You can choose whether to search:

  • Threads only,
  • Messages only, or
  • Both.

Twist also allows you to choose a recipient or sender of the message, thread title, keywords, etc.

Twist’s filters are a foolproof way to avoid information overload in the form of numerous message snippets you don’t need.

Search in Twist
Search in Twist

However, the only downside may be that Twist’s free plan enables you to search the messages only from the last month. 

Slack facilitates the search for messages, files, channels, and people.

It allows you to search for information within a certain period and even to exclude specific channels from your search.

Advanced search in Slack
Advanced search in Slack

The problem with searching in Slack is similar to the one in Twist — on the free plan, you can only search within the last 10,000 messages. 

Still, this downside is not enough to throw Slack off the throne in this category, thanks to its advanced search filters.

However, if you need more, keep in mind that Pumble offers you unlimited search even in the free plan, without limitations concerning timeframe or number of messages. 

Message and channel searchYesYes 
File and people searchYesYes 
Overall impression⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Twist vs Slack file sharing and storage 0:1

Whether you’re working in-office, remotely, or practicing a hybrid model of work, an unavoidable aspect of modern work is certainly file sharing.

Luckily, we have an abundance of business collaboration tools with file-sharing features at our disposal.

For starters, let’s have a look at Twist’s file sharing options.

Twist allows you to share files in threads, as well as in comments to a thread.

Sharing a file in Twist
Sharing a file in Twist

Again, Twist’s main limitation is the file storage, which amounts to only 5 GB per workspace on the free plan. Aside from that, there is a 100 MB file size limit for attachments.

Moving on to Slack — it allows you to share files up to 1 GB in size, which makes Slack a much more convenient choice for file sharing.

File sharing in Slack
File sharing in Slack

Still, in the free plan, Slack also limits you to 5 GB of file storage per workspace. 

So, if you’re looking for a solution with more storage space, you should consider Pumble, which offers you 10 GB of file storage in the free plan.

File sharing and storageTwistSlack
Free file storage 5 GB per workspace5 GB per workspace
Secure file sharing YesNo
Max file upload size100 MB1 GB
Overall impression⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Twist vs Slack integrations 0:1

Integrations are useful for collaboration with third parties and an overall better workflow.

Since Twist is a product made by Doist, it integrates well with another popular app from the same company — Todoist. 

Aside from Todoist, Twist integrates with another 33 apps. 

Keep in mind that the free plan offers up to 5 integrations. 

Some of Twist’s integrations
Some of Twist’s integrations

Slack is definitely the winner in this category with its mind-blowing 2,400 integrations in paid plans. 

In the freemium plan, Slack offers integration with 10 apps.

All the integrations are organized into categories, so you can more easily find what you need. 

Some of Slack’s integrations
Some of Slack’s integrations

Finally, here’s a quick overview of integrations for both apps. 

Number of integrationsFree plan: 5 integrationsPaid plan: 34 integrationsFree plan: 10 integrationsPaid plan: Over 2,400 integrations
Overall impression⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Twist vs Slack support 1:1

In this category, the situation is more balanced.

Help center in Twist
Help center in Twist

Let’s compare Twist and Slack in terms of the support they offer:

  • Both apps offer standard customer support in their free plans.
  • Both Twist and Slack offer priority support in their paid plans. 
  • Aside from that, Slack offers dedicated support in their Enterprise plan.
  • A knowledge base is available on both apps’ websites.
  • Although neither one of them offers phone support, both apps do have support teams available to help users via email.
Slack’s help center
Slack’s help center

So, here’s a quick summary of the support options these two apps offer.

Customer support StandardStandard
Knowledge baseYesYes 
Overall impression⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Twist vs Slack security 1:1

In the end, we have to consider security and data protection, which are important for collaboration and communication, both within teams and with third parties. 

It’s nice to have independent verification of security and privacy, as well as compliance controls. 

Although both apps use data encryption in transit and at rest, Slack is audited against more compliance and assurance programs, including SOC2, SOC3, and ISO/IEC.

Slack’s certifications
Slack’s certifications

Twist, on the other hand, is GDPR compliant. 

Aside from that, Twist offers advanced security controls in a paid plan. 

Security in Twist
Security in Twist

To sum up, in this category, we have a tie.

Two-factor authenticationYesYes 
Advanced security YesYes 
Data encryptionYesYes
Overall impression⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

💡 Pumble Pro Tip

Not sure how important data security in collaboration and communication tools is? Read our in-depth guide on that matter:

Twist vs Slack Verdict 5:8

In the end of this showdown, all that’s left is for us to add the numbers, and crown the winner.

Features TwistSlack
Pricing (user/month)10
File sharing and storage01
Support 11
Security 11
Total score58

We compared Twist and Slack to help you choose a collaboration and communication tool that suits your needs.

Although Slack has taken the crown in this showdown, both apps are worth considering. 

Both Twist and Slack have affordable pricing plans and useful communication and collaboration features, and it’s up to you to decide which one suits you better.

Namely, if you value asynchronous communication and peace and quiet during your work hours, Twist is a more convenient option for you.

On the other hand, for dynamic teams that place great emphasis on immediate communication, Slack is certainly a better solution.

Take your time, assess your needs, and choose the app that is right for you. 

Looking for a Twist or Slack alternative? Try Pumble

Now that you know how Twist and Slack compare, perhaps you’ll find that neither option fits your teams’ needs.

As an alternative to them, you can try Pumble, a team messaging app.

Among other things, Pumble offers:

  • Unlimited users and message history for free, 
  • 10 GB of free storage space per workspace,
  • Video calls,
  • Customizable notifications, and
  • A user-friendly interface with an abundance of features.
Jelena  Fisic

Jelena Fisic is a writer and researcher, constantly reading and broadening her knowledge about communication and collaboration. As a communication aficionado and a long-time remote worker, she is eager to share her experiences and gathered knowledge, and give you some tips for improving team communication and collaboration skills while working from home.

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