Asynchronous Communication: Definition, Examples & Tips

Do you like the instant interaction of your coworker coming up to your desk to ask a question? Or, would you rather they send a message you can respond to when you have the time?

That’s precisely what the dichotomy of synchronous vs. asynchronous communication is all about.

And, if you would much prefer the second option, you may benefit from learning more about asynchronous communication and how to effectively use it in the workplace.

In this blog post, we’ll cover everything about asynchronous communication, including:

  • What asynchronous communication is,
  • What the advantages and disadvantages of asynchronous communication are,
  • When to use asynchronous communication,
  • When to opt for synchronous communication, and
  • What the differences between the two are.

We’ll also give you some tips to make your asynchronous communication more effective and productive.

Let’s start!

Asynchronous Communication - cover
  • Asynchronous communication is any communication where participants aren’t in a real-time conversation.
  • Examples of asynchronous communication include texting, voice and video messages, emails, sharing files, etc.
  • Asynchronous communication helps maintain productivity and allows employees to plan their workday according to their needs.
  • Using team communication tools ensures everyone has access to the same information whenever they need it.
  • Asynchronous communication will be successful if you use the right tools, set clear expectations, and promote transparency.

What is asynchronous communication?

Asynchronous communication is characterized by a time gap between message transmission and reception. In other words, asynchronous communication is any communication where the response isn’t instantaneous.

Examples of asynchronous communication include:

  • Text messaging, 
  • Voice and video messages,
  • Emails,
  • File sharing, and
  • Collaborating on documents.

When we look at the history of asynchronous communication, we can see the concept originated from the term “asynchronous data transmission”

Stemming from computer science, it describes data distribution without a clock signal, at irregular intervals.

This concept has since migrated to human communication, most notably workplace communication. As businesses embrace virtual collaboration, teams have adopted asynchronous communication as a standard practice that is not restricted by time or location.

Advantages of asynchronous communication

If you’re used to making decisions, soliciting feedback, or rallying your team via real-time discussions, you may be inclined to believe synchronous communication is the only way to ensure effective communication.

However, let’s consider the benefits that asynchronous communication can bring you.

Benefit #1: Asynchronous communication helps maintain productivity

When teams are on the same page about communication, it helps them maintain productivity by prioritizing tasks.

Low-priority tasks, such as confirming attendance at a meeting, can take their toll on your overall productivity because they interrupt your focus.

If team members are granted the opportunity to respond at their own speed, nobody feels like they’re falling behind and the fear of missing out or not responding immediately subsides.

By treating virtual communication as if coworkers aren’t immediately available, we prioritize meaningful work over constant responsiveness and raise overall productivity.

We talked to Strahinja Krstic, a Product Manager at Pumble, about his view on the impact asynchronous communication can have on focus and output. He shared a practical tip on how to maintain productivity when using asynchronous communication tools:

Strahinja Krstic

“You can schedule messages to plan communications for peak team productivity times, avoiding the disruption of immediate responses. This helps in managing expectations around availability and response times.”

💡 Pumble Pro Tip

Virtual team communication is increasingly common across many industries. To learn more about how to improve communication when working remotely, follow our guide:

Benefit #2: Asynchronous communication ensures information is accessible

Poor information sharing and the lack of cross-functional communication can hinder collaboration and lead to the creation of team silos. While misuse of virtual communication tools can contribute to this, synchronous communication can also inadvertently lead to information withholding.

For example, if somebody is absent from a meeting or simply unaware of who is held responsible for sharing the updates, they can miss out on important information. Thus, both the transparency of their projects and their outcomes could easily be compromised.

On the other hand, asynchronous communication allows for the input to remain intact if properly implemented.

Various communication tools, such as business messaging apps, allow teams to share information and foster transparent communication.

Every team member has access to relevant information via:

  • Threads,
  • Channels,
  • Pinned messages,
  • Files, and
  • Message history.

Krstic shares that having access to message history is the key to successful asynchronous communication:

Strahinja Krstic

“Message history is crucial for remote teams who operate across different time zones, as it allows every team member to catch up on conversations at their own pace, ensuring they’re always informed.”

💡 Pumble Pro Tip

For more information and advice on how to ensure good team communication and collaboration when working across time zones, read our blog post:

Benefit #3: Asynchronous communication helps you keep the workday under your control

Asynchronous communication allows team members to be in control of their engagement with information.

The traditional office-centric culture expects employees to always be ‘on’ and available, whether for back-to-back meetings or small talk. This not only hinders productivity but can also cause employee burnout.

We talked to Bryan Driscoll, an HR Consultant and lawyer, about asynchronous communication and the advantages it offers. Driscoll highlights that asynchronous communication promotes a healthy work-life balance:

Bryan Driscoll

“Asynchronous communication allows employees to digest information and respond on their schedule, promoting work-life balance and reducing stress. It supports deep work, free from the interruptions and distractions common in synchronous exchanges.”

In other words, asynchronous communication allows employees to control their workday and allocate time to team communication that won’t interfere with their higher-priority tasks and hinder their productivity.

💡 Pumble Pro Tip

To ensure you don’t experience burnout, you need to take care of your mental health. To find out more about mental health in the workplace, read our blog post:

Benefit #4: Asynchronous communication gives you time to reflect before responding

Imagine a meeting between some business executives, trying to come to a very important business decision. You probably picture a conference room with the executives sitting around the table.

However, research shows that real-time communication may not be your best bet when it comes to informed and confident decision making.

Namely, research shows that high time pressure, such as in face-to-face meetings, can lead to risky decisions. The pressure of immediately responding weakens the choices we make — rushed discussions may result in faulty decisions.

With asynchronous communication, you have enough time to reflect and carefully consider the information you have, leading to better outcomes.

When you transfer a brainstorming discussion to an asynchronous communication channel, the steady pace of threaded conversations allows everyone to reflect before they respond. The quality of each discussion is enhanced, and team members are more likely to share their thoughts. 

The implementation of such asynchronous collaboration can be especially beneficial for introverts who tend to require different communication dynamics. 

When to use asynchronous communication

Discussing the benefits of asynchronous communication has revealed some situations in which we can benefit from utilizing it.

Asynchronous communication is best used in the following circumstances:

  • Teams in different timezones — When team members work in different timezones or have varied schedules, asynchronous communication allows them to participate in conversations at their convenience.
  • Complex discussions — For intricate topics that require deep analysis or research, asynchronous communication provides space and time for thoughtful consideration and reflection.
  • Inclusive collaboration — Asynchronous communication allows all team members to easily contribute to a conversation without being put in the spotlight.
  • Documents and references — Asynchronous communication leaves a trail of messages and discussions that serve as a valuable reference point for future conversations. Also, important documents and files are easily accessible.
  • Employee satisfaction — Asynchronous communication methods support a healthier work environment and reduce meeting overload.

Disadvantages of asynchronous communication

After going through the benefits and best situations for using asynchronous communication, let’s look at it from a different perspective.

Although asynchronous communication offers many benefits, there are some drawbacks too.

Disadvantage #1: Asynchronous communication may lead to information delay

Delayed transmission of information is at the core of asynchronous communication. Although this has its benefits, it can be a deal breaker for urgent situations.

For example, soliciting feedback might not demand a phone call, but your company’s website being down could be a reason enough to alert your coworkers immediately.

To remedy this inherent flaw of asynchronous communication, teams can agree on which information qualifies as urgent and demands instantaneous communication. 

Establishing guidelines and clear expectations when it comes to communication can prevent information delays in urgent or critical situations.

Disadvantage #2: Asynchronous communication may increase the chances of conflict

Dealing with particularly complex issues such as resolving conflict or clearing up a misunderstanding requires an immediate response. 

Allowing a team argument to linger instead of addressing it without delay can lead to conflict escalation. Studies have shown that teams collaborating virtually are more prone to conflict, which gradually affects their overall performance. 

However, when there is no opportunity for an in-person conversation, being transparent and clear in communicating your message can lead to conflict resolution. 

A team chat app could also assist in reaching a consensus due to its instantaneous nature. By selecting a private channel in a team chat app as an environment for conflict resolution, your team retains privacy while not giving up on the instantaneity a real-time conversation entails. 

If an asynchronous communication tool, such as email, appears either insufficiently pacy or inept to transmit the subtle nuances of non-verbal communication, a video call could help steer the discussion in the right direction.

💡 Pumble Pro Tip

Conflicts are an unfortunate part of daily communication, even in professional settings. To learn more about resolving conflicts, and get 15 useful phrases for conflict resolution, read our blog post:

Disadvantage #3: Asynchronous communication may make it harder to maintain the company culture

Starting a new job at a company that favors asynchronous communication can be challenging. Onboarding, team-building, and integration into company culture are undoubtedly easier in face-to-face situations.

Assuming that sending a lengthy ‘Welcome’ email or a document with guidelines will substitute the employee onboarding process directed towards transmitting the company’s values can lead to an employee being less engaged in the company culture.

However, not all hope is lost.

A successful remote onboarding process can still be conducted by:

  • Promoting active communication
  • Assigning work buddies or mentors, and 
  • Encouraging active participation in team events.

Team cohesiveness can also be retained in an altered environment by engaging in virtual team-building activities that don’t necessarily require a conference call. 

💡 Pumble Pro Tip

Numerous team-building games can successfully be conducted in your team’s virtual team chat app. To get some inspiration for team-building activities, follow the link below:

When not to use asynchronous communication

Synchronous communication, where interactions happen in real-time, is preferable in some situations, including:

  • Urgent matters — When immediate decisions or responses are needed, synchronous communication ensures quick resolutions.
  • Brainstorming — Dynamic brainstorming sessions and collaborative problem solving often thrive in real-time situations, which foster spontaneous ideas and rapid collaboration.
  • Building relationshipsBuilding trust and maintaining personal relationships among team members can be easier with synchronous communication.
  • Conflict resolution — Addressing conflicts in real time can prevent escalation and facilitate constructive dialogue.
  • Training and onboarding — Live training sessions or onboarding processes allow for better employee engagement and an opportunity for immediate feedback and guidance.

Synchronous vs asynchronous communication

Synchronous communication refers to real-time interactions where participants engage simultaneously. Synchronous communication allows for immediate exchange of information and feedback.

To better understand the differences between synchronous and asynchronous communication, take a look at the table below.

Synchronous communicationAsynchronous communication
Participating in video callsSending an email
Making phone callsCollaborating on a shared document
Holding face-to-face meetingsUsing project management tools
Using team messaging appsUsing team messaging apps
Informal chatting in the officeSending text, voice, or video messages

Synchronous communication also has its advantages. 

Namely, synchronous communication allows for:

  • Rapid decision-making,
  • Smoother collaboration,
  • Immediate feedback, and
  • Authentic building of personal relationships.

However, synchronous communication depends on all participants being available simultaneously, which can lead to scheduling conflicts and time zone constraints.

Additionally, more reserved individuals may not be as comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas in real-time discussions.

5 Tips for using asynchronous communication

Getting all the benefits of asynchronous communication requires some consideration and the implementation of a few key strategies.

Bryan Driscoll sums up his point of view on how to successfully use asynchronous communication:

Bryan Driscoll

“To use asynchronous communication effectively: 

  • Establish clear guidelines around responsiveness and expectations. 
  • Encourage employees to set boundaries for their availability to foster a culture that respects personal time. 
  • Use tools designed for asynchronous work, such as project management software and team communication apps, to streamline processes and maintain transparency.”

Let’s go over some other tips and expert insights into how to effectively use asynchronous communication in the workplace.

Tip #1: Choose the right tools

Asynchronous communication will be a breeze if you select communication platforms that suit your team’s needs and preferences.

Thanks to constantly evolving technologies, you have many options at your fingertips, such as:

What you choose as your preferred communication method will depend largely on your team’s needs and preferences.

Tip #2: Establish clear expectations for communication

When using asynchronous communication, it’s essential to set clear expectations for communication. When you establish clear guidelines for team communication, it prevents miscommunication and mistakes.

To make asynchronous communication work for your team, you can:

  • Specify certain hours where employees are expected to be available for communication,
  • Set expectations for response times,
  • Establish rules regarding communication etiquette, and
  • Outline which situations call for synchronous over asynchronous communication.

The cornerstones of asynchronous communication are clear expectations, so make sure to set them accordingly.

Tip #3: Encourage transparency

Encourage open communication in your team to foster an environment where members feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas.

Open communication also ensures that important information is accessible to everyone and it helps prevent misunderstandings or misinterpretations.

Strive to create an environment where discussions are welcome and different perspectives are respected.

💡 Pumble Pro Tip

To learn more about just how important transparency is in workplace communication, read our blog post:

Tip #4: Use threaded discussions

Team communication apps offer a great platform for asynchronous communication. Many of them have threads as a means of replying to messages without cluttering the channels.

Threads in Pumble, a team communication app
Threads in Pumble, a team communication app

Krstic shares that using threaded discussions helps keep your workspaces organized:

Strahinja Krstic

“Encourage the use of threads for detailed discussions on specific topics. This keeps the main conversation channels clear and allows team members to dive into the content that’s relevant to them at their convenience”

Therefore, when choosing team communication tools, make sure they come with features that help your workspace stay clutter-free.

Tip #5: Document discussions and decisions

When implementing asynchronous communication, you need to make sure that everyone has access to the relevant information.

In practical terms, you have to make sure your channels and groups are up to date and include all the relevant participants. Also, don’t forget to share decisions, action items, and deadlines in accessible places.

Krstic shares that using pinned messages is a great way to keep everyone in the loop:

Strahinja Krstic

“Make extensive use of pinned messages for important updates, project guidelines, and resources. Pinned messages can act as a temporary repository for critical information accessible to all team members.”

Furthermore, using asynchronous communication after a real-time discussion can help keep everyone informed. For example, if you held a meeting, but some members of the team weren’t present, make sure to share the recording after the fact. 

Documenting and sharing necessary information will keep everyone informed and accountable for their work, especially in remote and distributed teams.

Get all the benefits of asynchronous communication with Pumble

If you’re looking to switch to more asynchronous modes of communication, finding the right tools is essential.

Pumble is a team communication app that supports both asynchronous and synchronous communication.

With Pumble, you can:

  • Send direct messages,
  • Chat in channels,
  • Start threaded discussions, and
  • Share files.
Asynchronous communication via channels, direct messages, and threads in Pumble
Asynchronous communication via channels, direct messages, and threads in Pumble

Furthermore, if you don’t want to jump on a call, but also don’t want to type, you can send your coworker a voice message.

Krstic notes how voice messages can bridge the gap between asynchronous and synchronous communication by providing a more personal touch to your message:

Strahinja Krstic

“By integrating voice and video messages into our core features, Pumble allows team members to convey more nuanced information and expressiveness that text alone might miss. This feature enriches communication by providing a more personal touch to messages and ensuring clarity in communication without needing real-time presence.”

Voice messages in Pumble
Voice messages in Pumble

Pumble also supports message scheduling, which can be especially useful in global teams. 

Conversely, when you need instant, real-time communication, Pumble is there to help.

You can engage in synchronous communication via voice or video calls, whether it’s a one-on-one or group meeting. In Pumble’s video calls, you can: 

Screen sharing feature in Pumble’s video calls
Screen sharing feature in Pumble’s video calls

So, if you need a reliable and easy-to-use tool for team communication across all modes, try out Pumble! Sign up for free today!

Natasa  Milojevic

Natasa Milojevic is a writer and researcher dedicated to exploring the depths of human communication and collaboration. You can usually find her engrossed in her research on the quickest and most reliable ways of transmitting ideas in a remote work environment. Leaving no stone unturned until she discovers the most valuable advice for fostering efficient teamwork collaboration, Natasa spends most of her days behind the keyboard.

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Improve collaboration and cut down on emails by moving your team communication to Pumble.


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